The world needs climate-neutral solutions

Hycobility offers appropriate technologies and engineering services to replace existing technical solutions with ecologically compatible solutions 

Our first patented technology with the disruptive potential to become a new material standard 

With HycoFusion® you improve your CO2 footprint by at least 30% with the same technical and economic performance 

Possible applications for HycoFusion® 

Façade construction

Vehicle construction and transportation

Plant and mechanical engineering 

furniture and profile elements 

Building construction and load bearing elements 

Home and garden


Hycobility is passionate about ecological solutions that help to bring our planet back into balance.

These solutions include technologies and products that lower the CO2 content of the atmosphere, reduce the need for raw materials, water and fossil energy, close material cycles and make processes more efficient.
At the same time, Hycobility ensures that these clean, resource-saving, sustainable and technically efficient solutions are economically highly attractive for our customers.

Hycobility: For a healthy planet with people of a healthy understanding of human nature and technical expertise.


We stand for technologically and economically feasible ecological solutions.

Hycobility is an environmentally oriented engineering and technology company that works together with partners and their industrial customers on their complex challenges and innovations. Hycobility uses state-of-the-art methods to develop ecologically, economically and technically efficient solutions for materials, products and technologies. We combine sustainability with technology and economic success.

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